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Mahatma Kane Jeeves

No!, don't tune out now that it is just getting fun! Did you tune out 7 years ago when our congress was wasting time and debating such silliness as the use of cigars in private quarters? (pun intended). I'd bet not! But this is very intriguing and, dare I borrow a right wing word??? Potentially treasonous!! And Tune in and lean into it.


Actually, I did. During the last 3 years of the Clinton admin I listened to SportsTalk and FM all the time because the political stuff was boring. Just like this is boring -- a made-to-order tempest in a tea pot, signifying nothing. To borrow a phrase from your side, let's "MOVE ON."
BTW, that's an interesting moniker you're sportin' -- where are you from?

Mahatma Kane Jeeves

If you did tune out to the political food fight even when the slung-hash was on the other side of the political aisle, then my apologies. I do think, however, that this issue may have some staying power. Better buy a crossword puzzle and take up knitting too.

Mahatma Kane Jeeves was the nom de plume of a certain screenwriter better known as W.C. Fields.


What a difference a day makes. Let's move on to the Supreme Court slug-fest that we all know is coming. That's an important fight that we need to have, not a meaningless "gotcha" distraction.

Nike Shox

Thank you for the article, I saw after the enlightened, my idea like you, just not good at expression


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November 2008

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Seen at low tide

  • American White Pelican
    Saw 30 in one flock on a weptember evening while fishing
  • Hummingbird
    Finally, my first hummingbirds. Saw them on a fire bush in Crystal Beach, FL. My rental's neighbor's yard is all xeriscaped, which is ugly to me but just fine with the little hummers. At first, I thought they were the biggest hornets I'd ever seen.
  • Flamingo!
    One of these dudes flew right over my house. I couldn't believe it. And please don't tell me it was a roseated spoonbill because it was a frickin' flamingo, dude! Huge and pink and right there above me. I was like so freaking out, you know?
  • Falcon!
    Don't see these guys too often. Wish we did. Bet the morning doves don't.
  • Black Skimmer
    These beauties are getting scarce, but one flew by yesterday at low tide on the hunt for minnows.
  • Dead sea turtle
    cool, but smelly
  • Reddish Egret
    These have been hanging out around the pool quite a bit lately. Must be a new group of adolesent birds -- the youngsters like to hunt where the water is clear, and it takes them a day to figure out there are not now and never will be fish in the swimming pool no matter how clear the water.
  • Sand Piper
  • Brown Pelican
    I saw a flock of about 200 of these at Disappearing Island yesterday, just south of Anclote Island on the west coast of FL. Good to see such a large flock.
  • Wood Pecker
    They've developed a sudden interest in the orange tree, which just went into bloom.
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