I have to admit it.
I'm so busy starting a new career I just don't have time or energy to blog. It's been obvious for weeks. This state of affairs will not be permanent, however. By the end of the month, I should have things rolling like a well oiled machine, or at least well enough to spare an hour in the morning for the blog.
So, until Labor Day, carry on without me. See you September 4th!
I'll leave you with a few predictions, which we can review in September.
- Israel is going to kick Hezbollah's ass, and July's hand wringing will be a distant memory by Labor Day.
- It will take more than a little gastro-intesti-whatever to take down Cuba's monster. Sorry, my southern neighbors, but your nightmare is not over yet.
- Somebody will tell the Iraqi prime minister how important it is to shave before appearing in front of the American media. That somebody will be executed.
- Iraq will grind on. The ten year job will take at least 3,650 days to effect.
- The Tampa Bay Devil Rays will be in last place, again, but will claim major progress, as usual.
- Nothing will have been done about Iranian nukes. Sell your New York and Tel Aviv property now before it becomes so much radioactive ash.
A little paranoid? want to open up markets in Spain i'll just villify whoever is in charge there? oh, wait they're white people. If you are going to be racist have the courage to admit it, and then you'll earn
more respect than you deserve. I understand your position, but you should know better, if your half as intelligent as I think you are. LOL
Posted by: james | October 19, 2006 at 01:59 PM