Concerned about not having enough recruits? Why not try this?
Some Democrats want a draft. Not as a way to increase the size of our Army and Marines -which is necessary at this junction in history- but to make a political statement on the war. But let's pretend for a second that they want a draft because they believe we need more ground pounders to prosecute this war.
You want fresh bodies for the field? Pass legislation that allows an 18 year old to drink in a bar with his CAC card.
Hey, it's no less ethical than drafting unwilling conscripts into the Marines because you want to make some stupid anti-war statement. And if you can think of a more effective recruiting tool than teenage peer pressure, I'm all ears.
Yeah, yeah, the Marines and Army are ahead of their recruiting goals, but so what? Why shouldn't those who've volunteered to put their lives on the line for us be allowed to drink legally, like I did when I was 18?