A friend of mine sent me an email with a link to this site, which purports to show the running cost of the war in Iraq. It has a scroll down menu to show you the cost of the war to your community, it has buttons to push to compare the cost of war to happy things like public housing and public education, and - best of all - it has a sweet picture of kids playing on a nice new playground on its website banner.
Why not call it "The cost of allowing 9-11 to happen"? Or just asking "How much did 9-11 cost?" Or how much would it cost us to lose in Iraqi front of the Global War on Terror? How much use does he imagine an Iraqi kid who's had his eye plucked out has for a nice new playground?
Pacifists... phooey!
Sorry, EC, but that's just dumb. And harmful. In fact, it's very harmful and very counter-productive. Really, this is the kind of crap that will make us lose another war, and lead once again to mass murder, maybe genocide in the short term, and mushroom clouds over Tel Aviv, New York, Islamabad, and Tehran in the long term. How about dropping the oh-so-sophisticated detached lefty-ness and throwing your shoulder to the wheel? We could use your help. In fact, we need it.