Two scientists who will soon be on the Green hit list report:
Global warming is an entirely natural phenomenon and its effects can even be beneficial, according to two leading researchers. Recent climate change is not caused by man-made pollution, but is instead part of a 1,500-year cycle of warming and cooling that has happened for the last million years, say the authors of a controversial study.
Dennis Avery, an environmental economist, and Professor Fred Singer, a physicist, have looked at the work of more than 500 scientists and concluded that it is very doubtful that man-made global warming exists. They also say that temperature increase is actually a good thing as in the past sudden cool periods have killed twice as many people as warm spells...In contrast, they say there is evidence that wildlife is flourishing in the current warming cycle with corals, trees, birds, mammals and butterflies adapting well. In addition, sea-levels are not rising dramatically and storms and droughts have actually been less severe and frequent.
The authors claim that the change is not man-made because the most recent period of global warming took place between 1850 and 1940 when there were far less CO2 emissions than today. They claim to show strong historical evidence of an entirely natural cycle based on data of floods on the Nile going back 5,000 years. Evidence is citing showing records of Roman wine production in Britain in the first century AD.
Prof Singer, a specialist in atmospheric physics at the University of Virginia, said: "We have a greenhouse theory with no evidence to support it, except a moderate warming turned into a scare by computer models whose results have never been verified with real-world events. "The models only reflect the warming, not its cause." They also say that natural temperature change can be caused by fluctuations in the sun.
Well, duh and I told you so. It was just so obvious, wasn't it? And yet the chattering class of the entire world fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Maybe soon we'll be able to get to work on real environmental problems.
Heroes?, those are the same guys you will see in a suburb carring weapons and killing civilians.
The're not Only Al Qaeda doing massacre's in Iraq, just look for more info/photos about the Iraq conflict and you will see with you're own eyes how these "heroes" are planting bodies all over Iraq, by now there are mora than 3000 american soldiers KIA, and over 35000 Civilians Killed.
TherĀ“s no heroes in a war, just victims, don't you see?, war is usseles, war in Iraq is not for freedom or 9/11, or any other bullshit the goverment throw at us, is just another economic war, just look who is the most profitting, oil companies, weapon companies and a large etc.
Look for the truth, question everything, dont just believe what they say to you, look further.
I will pray to open the eyes from those who are blind, like the bible say the truth will set you free.